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Veteran's Groups Paradigm Evolution

Our firm is an Evolutionary System supporting your needs with paradigm products and services.

Veteran's Groups Situation Updates

Lets take a look at various documents that will shed light on what the President, and the Congress has ordered, as well as the
American people will as tax payers, and compare those to what installation de facto owners or others have decided to do instead.

It seems the concept of BRAC and savings on over 20 Trillion debt for our tax payers means nothing to them,
for they have decided to implement security measures, not on terrorists, criminals, and corrupt or inept government officials
but against our disabled veterans and patients.

- Denying access to the services the tax payer wants for PSTD and PTI patients.
- Security personnel assigment to clinics to terrorise patients, instead of our country enemies.
- Security personnel who do not understand, or know installation policy, when there is no building policy.
- Harass and humiliate our veterans and their faithfull service canines, even thought they have a very visible sign.
- 3 to 6 month appointments, when this issues was to have been resolved since last year (2016)

Long story short, word to the wise; make sure you document your claim or grievance with the proper supporting documentation.
Let's not assume, and make everyone an ass of themselves, by outlining the facts, or subject yourselve to bullies,
communists and terrorist / extemists whose interest is to get a promotion, get a medal, or kiss 3rdPoC at your expense; :-( ...

White House Exec Orders

Find executive orders pertaining PTSD, TBI, or BRAC issues.

National Archives

Want information on the National Archive record of Executive Orders relating to veterans?

US Congress

Want information on the National Archive record of Executive Orders relating to veterans?

Congress Directory >

Find your Senator or Congress people to clear the meaning of laws to your installation manager?

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